So I had all these great intentions of posting pictures of the last few weeks and of some fun activities we have done, but yeah, it hasn't happened and so I figure the reality is it probably won't. For that I apologize for the following wordy post, but without further adu here is an update of the last few weeks.
*Monster Trucks - Jaxon is in LOVE with monster trucks. He asked Santa for one this year and was extatic when Santa brought him one as well as Grandma and Grandpa. So when Justin heard on the radio that they were coming to the E Center we decided we had better go. It was a lot of fun and Jaxon had a BLAST!! We bought lower bowl tickets so we could have pre-show pit passes, and so we got to go down and walk around the trucks. They just happened to be giving rides in the back of one of them, so of course, Justin and Jaxon had to have their turn. They had a lot of fun and it was all Jaxon talked about for the week after.
*Sledding - Grandpa bought a double person snow tube for Jaxon and his cousin Kodi, so we all bundled up and went to Peteetneet to test it out. We had a ball!! Jaxon loves to go sledding and play in the snow. I was really bummed out not being able to go down with them (my mom wouldn't let me being prego and all) but had so much fun watching them. It never failed, we would get them all lined up ready to go straight down the hill and every time they would turn and almost run into this big pine tree! They didn't care though, they would trudge back up the hill and head down again.
*Baby News - I am almost 28 weeks pregnant and really starting to feel it. My back aches almost constantly, I am having a hard time sleeping, I feel like I am going to the bathroom every 5 minutes (sorry, hope that's not TMI), and tonight I found the stretch marks on my thighs and sides of my belly re-appearing. Other than that I am feeling good. I remember the last 12 weeks with Jaxon...feeling the same way. Just ready to be done being pregnant, and lots of anticipation to meet this lil man. Jaxon and I have been pulling out all of the baby clothes and getting them washed and organized. He has been so cute to watch, he asks whos they are and I tell them they were his...he then tells me it's ok for baby Anthony to borrow them. He is getting excited for this new arrival too. He loves to kiss and hug my belly and is asking when he is coming so they can play trucks. Too cute!!
*Potty Training - We are completely potty trained (ok not we, Jaxon)!! Hooray!! My goal was to have Jaxon potty trained by the time Anthony was born, so hooray for making that goal. I bought him some training underwear and that seemed to do the trick. He didn't like them when they were wet and caught on to the whole toilet thing pretty quick. I do have to brag a bit and say that he only had 3 accidents in all of this, and knock on wood, no #2 accidents. It is so nice to have him tell me when he needs to go, and the fact that he is so independant and can do it on his own, including washing his hands!!
*Valentine Pupcakes - Nope, not a typo, Jaxon and I made Valentine Pupcakes last night. It cracks me up every time how he says cupcakes. This kid loves to help me in the kitchen and I love having him in there. We mixed up the batter, chocolate of course, ate the beater when we were done, frosted them this morning, and ate the frosting left in the container. We did red sprinkles which he thought was the best part. He was so proud of himself and his pupcakes!
*Home Schooling - I am tossing around the idea of home schooling Jaxon for his first year of pre-school. He has such a late birthday that he will be almost 6 before he starts Kindergarten, which isn't a bad thing, it would just mean sending him to 2 years of pre-school starting this fall. I worry about him getting bored and being disruptive. I was thinking of taking 2 days a week, preparing a lesson plan and for 2-3 hours working on things that he would learn in pre-school. I don't know, just an idea...what are your thoughts on it? Keep in mind by no means would I home school him any further. I am all about sending him to a public/charter school. I think the socialization is good for them, and lets be honest, mom needs that break! Anyway, just a thought.
*Scentsy - Just thought I would throw out there that for the month of February EVERYTHING is 10% off. I am personally offering all my product I have in stock at 20% off, and anyone who hosts a party (catalog or home) will receive a FREE warmer of their choice. Let me know if you want to buy product or host a party!
So that about sums it up. Sorry there are no pics to go along with this great update, maybe next time!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A Few Things
Created By The Cingolani's at 6:53 PM 3 Thoughts
Thursday, January 14, 2010
26 Weeks
This comic made me laugh out loud!! Here we are, 26 weeks into this pregnancy. It feels like the last month or so have flown by. I started pulling out baby clothes and am getting them washed. It was fun to look at them and remember when Jaxon was that small. I feel pretty good for the most part. Kind of achy this time around. I think this baby is sitting more in my back than Jaxon was so I am feeling a lot more uncomfortable than I did with Jaxon. I have only gained 8 lbs. too. Not complaining about my doc said, the less you gain the less you have to lose after! I am getting so excited to meet this sweet boy!
Created By The Cingolani's at 11:11 AM 0 Thoughts
Thursday, January 7, 2010
New Years
This New Years was just ok. Justin had to work both New Years Eve and New Years Day, and it just happened to fall on his overnight route in Heber. So I had two choices: I could either sit home with Jaxon alone, or I could pack up and head to Heber and stay with Justin in his hotel. I chose the latter. Our storage unit office was closed both those days so we pretty well had nothing to do. So me, Jaxon and Harley headed up to Heber. Here is a quick run down of how exciting our night was: we sat in the hotel room waiting for Justin to finish his route, Justin finished his route, we went and grabbed something to eat, ran to a redbox and rented a movie, came back to the room ate and got Jaxon in bed, started watching our movie and were asleep not even half way through the movie at 10:30 p.m. The best part was at midnight we heard fireworks going off (it felt like they were never going to end) and we both were mad that we were woke up. We decided right then and there that we are just an old married couple who enjoys sleeping! The next morning we woke up, got ready, and went and had breakfast before Justin had to head off to run his route. I have to say it wasn't the most exciting New Years, but who cares. We were together (which doesn't happen often) and we really aren't big fans of New Years anyway. Just another holiday to us, nothing big. We are excited that 2010 is here. We both have goals set that we are excited to accomplish this year and not to mention the arrival of our son!
Created By The Cingolani's at 2:50 PM 2 Thoughts
-Blogs I Read-
resepi babi masak palo3 years ago
ye: (8)9 years ago
We Have Grown!9 years ago
sitemap10 years ago
Irelyn's Minnie Party10 years ago
SMMART Math: Welcome Home Math Door10 years ago
Winter Days11 years ago
From the Archives12 years ago
Music Monday- (new) Bat For Lashes12 years ago
New Blog12 years ago
A Re Cap12 years ago
Christmas Quiz13 years ago
Behind the Curve13 years ago
Oh... the FACES she pulls!14 years ago
New to blogging14 years ago