Okay, so I am really confused at some of Jaxon's behaviors lately. He doesn't want to eat much, and he has decided that afternoon naps are for the birds! I think he is not eating much because maybe it is too hot outside. I don't know?! He used to be such a good little eater, and would eat so much at one sitting, and now he just grazes most of the day. I know he is not going to let himself go hungry, but it makes a mom wonder. The deal with the naps is beyond me. He has never been a great napper, but still I think that every almost 2 year old needs some type of a nap or quiet time during the day. What he doesn't understand is that mom needs quiet time during the day too. I don't want to sound mean, but that is when I watch my shows on tv or mess around on the computer and just kind of check out for a while. So, I don't know what to do with him. I think I might need to change his schedule around a little and maybe find some new foods that he has never had before to change up his mealtimes. If anyone who reads this has any other ideas on what to do, I would really appreciate them! Thanks for reading my post while I vent my frustrations!
resepi babi masak palo
3 years ago
3 Thoughts:
I wish I knew something that could help :( All I can say is good luck. You do need a break in the day. That is not rude at all! :)
It's so hard because every kid is different! When my boys are tired but refusing to sleep, I usually take them for a drive around the block or uptown. I don't know if Jaxson falls asleep in the car like my boys do, but it's a sure-fire way to get them a little bit of sleep. (I know you have to be there for work, but I just throw a sign up that says I'll be back in 10 minutes and lock up.) Even if they wake up after the drive, they're usually happier, I've been outside which is huge for me, and I can handle things a little better. As far as eating goes, I know it's not the greatest, but with my boys sometimes I'll throw in a VeggieTales DVD, move their chairs into the front room and let them watch while they eat. They usually get caught up in the show and eat almost without realizing it. And they eat lots of fruit -- especially when it's hot outside! Like I said, the TV thing isn't the greatest, but I need some ME time too. Good luck! Sorry you have the world's longest comment here on your blog. :)
Morgan is the same way. She use to be a good little eater and now the past 2 months, she decided that eating good just isn't what she wants to do and it is hard. I know what you are going through. I would try giving him new foods, that is what I am doing with Morgan and it is helping a little bit. And with the naps, I put Morgan down in her crib and I leave the blanket off. I think that she is just too hot to sleep. Maybe you can try that. Let me know if that works or not. Good Luck :)
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