So the last 2 weeks I have not wanted to do one stinking thing...I think I am in a funk, but on my way out. I am hoping that the dishes get done today and that the laundry that has been folded and in the basket for the last week gets put away also. I don't know what is going on, I just don't feel like doing anything. I get like this every once in a while and then I start beating myself up over not having things done, and Justin has to remind me that I just need to take care of the important things(Jaxon and myself)and that the other things can wait. I am so glad that I married such a patient and understanding man. I don't hear one complaint about him having to go digging through the laundry basket for work clothes or having to ask if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean. He is so good to remind me to lay off myself and just relax. For some reason I feel like my house needs to be as clean as a show house sometimes. Probably cause that is the way my house was growing up. Dishes have to be done, nothing out of place, beds made, etc. I need to remember that I am only human, 11 weeks pregnant, and chasing/entertaining a 3 year old and that stuff doesn't always matter. Dr. Laura said it best one day, "as long as your house is clean enough that DCFS doesn't want to take your kids from you, thats all that matters, and that for the next 18 years your house is a toy box." She also said that "if people don't like the way your house looks then they don't need to come over." I really agree with what she said that day and have tried to remember these words when I start to get down on myself.
In other positive news Jaxon and I have both been to the dentist and are cavity free. We also went to his 3 year old well check and he is right on target and very healthy. I went in to the doc, filled out some OB paperwork and had blood drawn (yeah I am still bruised a week later) and a pregnancy test (which Justin asked me if it came back positive! lol). I go in for my first OB visit on October 14th. I am looking forward to it, mainly hoping to hear a heart beat, but could totally go with out the nasty exam part. I will be 13 weeks along by then, I can't believe that we are almost 1/3 of the way through!! I had a dream the other night that it was a girl...hope that is a good sign! I feel pretty good for the most part, not so tired anymore and not as queasy. I am happy to say though that I have only thrown up once. Knock on wood!
Speaking of throwing up, Jaxon has a touch of the flu today. So I guess we will stay in our jammies and watch movies all day. Poor kid, I hate when they are sick, they are so miserable and there isn't much you can do for them!
Anyway, that's about all that has been going on. Watch for more updates to come!!
resepi babi masak palo
3 years ago
2 Thoughts:
I think we all go through those funky times every now and then. Hang in there! If you ever want to feel better about your slightly messy house, drop a surprise visit over my way. You'll leave feelin' might fine about your folded laundry in the basket! :)
I'm so excited for you to find out what this baby is! And glad you're feeling good pregnancy-wise. Seriously, if you need a break, just give me a call and we can come get Jaxon! Hope he's feeling better....glad you two could stay in your PJ's and veg! :)
This is the end of the longest comment ever. For realsies.
I hope that you and Jaxon are feeling better!! Hey just remember my house and you'll feel TONS better about yours :).. REALLY!! You know it's TRUE!!
I can't wait to hear what the baby is :).. Hang in there girl, you'll make it!! We'll get our of our funks!!
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