Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Blogging Award!!

So my sweet friend Misty gave me a blogging award, and then the poor girl had to explain to me how to get it on to my blog! I know it is pathetic, but what can I say I am technologically challenged! Anyway, I thought this was really cool and now I get to list 6 things that make me happy and then tag 3 other people to do it. Here we go!

Number 1: My Hubby
Oh the things he puts up with! Let's just say that he has a lot of patients for things!
Number 2: My Jaxon

This kid can always put a smile on my face and reminds me what life is all about!
Number 3: Harley

Even though he is only 2 lbs., he is my constant companion thru the day and night!
(And yes this is a picture of Harley snuggling with me while I was nursing Jaxon, just thought I would throw that out there!)
Number 4: Sundays
Ok so no cool picture but I love lazy Sundays around our house cause we just get to hang out, eat and watch Nascar or Foot ball and just be together!

Number 5: My 2007 Dodge Charger
I know it is kind of materialistic, but I have so much fun driving this thing!
Number 6: Pepsi
Everyday around noon it calls for me, and I don't object!
So now I get to tag 3 people, and the winners are...
  • Tammy
  • Holly
  • Heidi

Have fun, I can't wait to see what your 6 things are!

1 Thoughts:

Misty said...

No worries on the computer savvy took me a minute to figure it out to! :) Love your list, the picture of Harley is classic!