Friday, March 20, 2009

What We've Been Up To Lately...

Sometimes I feel like I don't have anything really exciting to blog about. Lately life has been really good, and we finally feel like we are back to normal for the most part. So, here are a few pictures I have snapped over the past two weeks or so. This is Jaxon at his first dentist visit. He did so great and no cavities. He loved the sunglasses and the movie in the ceiling!
This is how I found Jaxon this morning. He told me he was 'cooking'.
He cracks me up!!
FINALLY getting to play outside!
Filling up the bucket with dirt...
Dumping the bucket of dirt down the front of him!! Such a boy!!

2 Thoughts:

Misty said...

Jaxon looks so cute in that dentist chair...I'm so impressed that he was so good! The cooking pictures are so cute, too -- my boys wouldn't know what to do with the oven because I never use it! :) Glad he got to enjoy the weather and go's snowing again this morning! :(

Unknown said...

LOL… fun times!! I really like your posts!! I’m so glad that things are back to normal… I can’t wait to say that :).. I’m so happy for you guys!!!